Tuesday, October 6, 2009

12 Month Check Up

Our little angel is progressing very well. He is 31.5" Tall (92 Percentile), 24.3 lbs (75 Percentile) & 48 cm Head (92 Percentile).
He only has three teeth!!! The doctor wasn't worried and said that he would be worried if he didn't have any teeth yet because it is possible for babies to not have any teeth!!! I was flabbergasted by that. I guess they just get baby dentures??? Brooks won't be needing those luckily and he is eating all kinds of chopped table foods. He doesn't really like meat or avocado but he loves blueberries (all berries really) and bananas, apples and will show some Cheerios or Goldfish whose boss. He likes sweet potatoes, green beans and carrots as well. We are working on broccoli and spinach.
We have both been sick though. Nothing major but blah. The sniffles that won't go away. I don't want to be the mom who has the snot nosed kid at story time or the gym daycare so besides our walks we have been cooped up in the house. CABIN FEVER!!!

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