Monday, February 2, 2009

Weekend at Gi Gi & Paw Paws



Brooks had a great time this weekend. On Friday night we went to Benihana's for Julie's birthday and Brooks was very impressed with our chef and tried to sample all of the cuisine. Eating with him on your lap can be very challenging since he wants to get into everything and will pull your plate right off the table if you're not careful!
On Saturday Brooks hung out with Gi Gi, Paw Paw and Aunt Julie while Jeff and I went to a Rockets game. They sang songs and read stories. Brooks like to try and turn the pages and of course eat the book. Delicious!
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We had a great time with Brooks last weekend. He was a little angel. Can't wait to see him again for Valentine's. I will bring him a 5 pound box of candy! Just kidding I will bring some wild hickory nuts or some sort of health food. Love, Paw Paw