Friday, April 29, 2011

Sports Sampler Class

Brooks has really enjoyed his sports sampler class at Lifetime Fitness. They play basketball, soccer, hockey, whatever. I took these photos of his last class. I hope they have the class again next year since he had so much fun.
I love this close up photo of Brooks below. He is so beautiful to me and looking more and more like his Daddy each day!

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Austin Rodeo

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Pretend you didn't see these outfits because I plan on gearing everybody up in the exact same duds for the Mothers Day Photos I wrangle these boys up for every year. Love my boys!

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Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Brooks will start pre-school in August. I am not so sure I am ready for this step but he really wants to go. And he has quit napping so I could use a couple hours to do fun things like scrub the floors and iron.
Brooks will be going 2 days a week /4 hours a day.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Aquarena Springs Glass Bottom Boat

The weather was perfect and we had a great time. Bonus Trivia: Brooks' Grandpa was a lifegaurd at Aquarena Springs when he attended SWT back in the day!

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Monday, April 4, 2011

First Dentist Appointment

Brooks was an ANGEL at the dentist and he is finally getting his last two teeth. The upper molars. She said they have broken through the bone which is the most painful part and now they just need to break through the skin. OWWEE!