Monday, March 15, 2010

First Hockey Game





Brooks wasn't sure what to think at first but he warmed up and was clapping and cheering by the end.
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Delivery from Maw Maw!



Maw Maw sent this adorable mailbox and Brooks has had a great time playing with it!
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Tool Time!


Jeff was putting together Brooks's trike and Brooks grabbed a screwdriver and started helping. I hope Brooks is handy like Jeff!
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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Mayfield Park




Grandma, Grandpa and Elle came up to visit for a couple days and we did all kinds of fun things. We went to storytime, Mayfield Park, Laguna Gloria, Mt. Bonnell and ate at Hula Hut. YUM! Everyone is currently taking a nap and I should be folding laundry. BORING! :)
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Monday, March 1, 2010