Thursday, October 22, 2009


Brooks is doing really well. We are so proud of him! My little angel has learned how to throw a tantrum which isn't fun but he has learned so many other things that are. He isn't officially walking yet but he is taking steps. Super cute steps in this mom's opinion. :)
He says a bunch of words. Dog, duck, star, done, book, block and his favorite word "ball".
"uh-oh!" and "hello" were his first words. And of course we love to hear "Ma-Ma" and "Da-Da"
I have a nursery rhyme book full of songs and time after time he will flip through the book and find his two favorite songs (John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star) then point to the song and hand me the book. SO CUTE!!! I have sang those songs countless times. I just don't see how I could turn down a request like that.
We are going to Newport, CA in November so there will be lots of firsts. His first airplane ride (so nervous about that), first beach and first trip to Disneyland. MICKEY!!!
I am praying for a safe, happy journey with nice weather.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Pumpkin Patch at Sweet Berry Farms

We had so much fun at the Pumkin Patch. We took a day trip out to Marble Falls and went to Sweet Berry Farms and ate at the Bluebonnet Cafe. The weather could not have been better. 77 degrees and not a cloud in the sky!

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Thursday, October 15, 2009

First Haircut!

We took Brooks to get his first big boy haircut at Sharkey's. He got to sit in a sweet red Ferrari that would make his Grandpa proud.
Brooks was such a good boy!!! Anything for a balloon.

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Friday, October 9, 2009


If Brooks can get a hold of keys, phones or remotes then life is going good in his eyes.
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Tastes like chicken

Brooks got this plastic chicken drumstrick as part of a picnic basket and he loves it. He carries it around everywhere and always has it in his mouth. It's really funny.
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