Thursday, April 16, 2009

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Gi-Gi got Brooks this totally adorable suit for Easter.
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Easter Crawfish Boil in Orange, TX


Trying to get his hands on a crawfish.

The Easter Bunny came!

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Great, GREAT Grandma


This is Brooks' Great-Great Grandmother. Jeff's grandma is no longer with us but there are 5 generations here.
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Uncle Brad


Here is Brooks hanging out with Uncle Bradley and Annie.
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Friday, April 10, 2009




I wanted to take some family pictures with cousin Giselle but my sister got a flat tire on the way. They got Grandma and everyone ready and out the door but only made it about 20 minutes down the road. Maybe next year. I want to go to Washington on The Brazos Historic Park or maybe we could all meet at the Bluebonnet festival.
I love this little boy.
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Thursday, April 2, 2009

Mommy's Little All Star




Brooks has been doing so well. He is getting really good at sitting by himself and he has been "babbling". I could listen to him say, "Ma-Ma-Ma-Ma-Ma" all day long!
He has really been enjoying story time and was TOTALLY flirting with liitle Emma today who is 10 months old. It was SO CUTE!!!
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