Sunday, November 30, 2008


Brooks met many new people over the Thanksgiving holiday. He seemed to enjoy being around all the new faces.

Brooks with Maw-Maw (his great grandmother)

Getting ready for Turkey at Grandma and Grandpa's

Brooks is already such a ladies man.

Brooks with Aunt Corrina and his cousin Giselle.

Uncle Matt

Here is Brooks with his infamous Uncle Matt.

Monday, November 24, 2008

2 Month Well Check

Brooks had his first round of shots today. He cried for about a minute, then fell back asleep. I think the trip was rougher on his mom and dad than it was for him!

Here are his updated measurements:
13.0 lbs (85% percentile)
24 inches long (85% percentile)
40.8 cm head circumference (75% percentile)

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Here are some baby pictures of Brooks' dad. I think we can see where Brooks got his chin!

And if Brooks ends up with red hair, here are the two people he can thank. Baby Jeff with his wonderful Maw-Maw.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Photo Shoot

We finally got around to taking family photos!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Bumbo

This is the Cadillac of baby seats, the Bumbo. There were several warnings telling us to keep it on the floor, and to think, I was planning on trying it for the first time with Brooks sitting on the top of the refrigerator...?

While enjoying his new upright position, Brooks gets a visit from a giant shaggy dog named Griswald.