Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Mr. 5 Months



Oh my goodness do I love this little boy!!! He is so sweet. The past 5 months have been amazing getting to know our son.
Every month around the 22nd I like to take a photo of him so we can do that "first year" frame with a photo for every month to see how he has grown.
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Monday, February 23, 2009

Brooks "Boudreaux" Bergeron


Uncle David and Aunt Lee got Brooks his own Fleur de Lis outfit and we thought Mardi Gras was the perfect ocassion for it.
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Brooksie Bear and Grizzly Bear

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Saturday, February 14, 2009


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Zilker Botanical Gardens





Gi-Gi, Paw Paw and Aunt Julie came up for Valentines Day weekend. Jeff and I got to enjoy a romantic dinner at Fleming's and we went to Zilker Park to take some family photos and enjoy the beautiful scenery. I love that park!
View more photos here
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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

First Solid Food



I had planned on waiting until Brooks was 6 months old before starting him on solids but when he went from sleeping through the night to waking up hungry every 3-4 hours for a whole week I had a real quick change of plans. Brooks loves his rice cereal!
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Monday, February 2, 2009

Weekend at Gi Gi & Paw Paws



Brooks had a great time this weekend. On Friday night we went to Benihana's for Julie's birthday and Brooks was very impressed with our chef and tried to sample all of the cuisine. Eating with him on your lap can be very challenging since he wants to get into everything and will pull your plate right off the table if you're not careful!
On Saturday Brooks hung out with Gi Gi, Paw Paw and Aunt Julie while Jeff and I went to a Rockets game. They sang songs and read stories. Brooks like to try and turn the pages and of course eat the book. Delicious!
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